POLL: Student Body Opposes Changing WWS Name
John Wolfe, The Tab, November 19, 2015
Preliminary results from a campus-wide poll reveal student views on the Black Justice League’s three demands of President Eisgruber, as well as their thoughts on the ongoing #OccupyNassau protests.
So far, over 600 students have taken the poll. The current results are below, though we will provide updates throughout the day.
Students rated their support of the first demand at 3.02 out of 10
The ratings were based on a 1-10 scale, where 0 means “Absolutely not,” 5 means “Maybe”, and 10 means “Absolutely.”
The first demand states: “WE DEMAND the university administration publicly acknowledge the racist legacy of Woodrow Wilson.” Specifically, the BJL asks the University to rename the Woodrow Wilson School, rename Wilson college, and remove the Wilson mural from Wilcox dining hall.
Students rated their support of the second demand at 5.53 out of 10
The second demand states: “WE DEMAND cultural competency training for all staff and faculty.” The BJL’s original demands list states that this request was previously voted down on free speech grounds, and requests classes on the history of marginalized peoples be added to the list of distribution requirements.
Students rated their support of the third demand at 5.63 out of 10
The third demand states: “WE DEMAND a cultural space on campus dedicated specifically to Black students, and that space can be within the Carl A. Fields Center but should be clearly marked.” The BJL stipulates that the naming of the space be left to student discretion so as to avoid naming it after a “white benefactor or person with bigoted beliefs, as evidenced by the naming of Stanhope Hall.”
Students rated the efficacy/value of the BJL demonstration at 4.16 out of 10
Students rated the BJL’s recent impact on campus at 4.05 out of 10
[Editor’s Note: Below is a video of black Princeton activists berating the school’s president.]