Hungary’s Orban Suspects Left-Wing Plot in Migrant Crisis
Michael Shields, Reuters, November 12, 2015
The tide of migrants coming to Europe from the Middle East and Africa may be part of a left-wing plot to pack the continent with sympathetic voters, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has told a Swiss magazine.
“I am not brave enough to speak about this in public with certainty, but you cannot get around imagining that some kind of master plan is behind this,” he said in an interview with Die Weltwoche published on Thursday.
He cited essays by “the European left and radical American democrats” that envision the emergence of a European super state to the detriment of traditional nation-states.
“Migration is seen as an opportunity . . . All indications and experience suggest that the overwhelming majority of these migrants will vote for the left once they become citizens, so future leftist voters are being imported to Europe,” he said.
Asked why conservatives such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel had offered a welcome to migrants, he said: “Many of us are racking our brains about this. Germany is the key. If the Germans tomorrow morning said ‘We are full, that’s it’, the flood would stop immediately.”