D.C. Occupiers Convene, Plot to Stay the Winter
Samantha Gilman, Washington Examiner, October 25, 2011
The Occupy D.C. protesters at McPherson Square gathered for their nightly general assembly to review the guidelines, discuss logistics, and hear suggestions from members of the tent community that has sprung up on National Park Service land.
{snip} The agenda included a brief welcome, a reading of guidelines, a review of their unique voting process, committee reports, a “de-escalation” brainstorm, and announcements.
{snip} Guideline number 10 reads, “Don’t assume gender. When possible, go with gender-neutral pronouns.”
After the committee announcements, the protesters brainstormed ideas for a prospective “de-escalation committee”–whose purpose would be to maintain the movement’s non-violence. {snip}
Protesters agreed that the de-escalation committee would seek non-violent methods to protest. They requested that the committee be diverse and specifically discouraged too much participation by white heterosexual males.
During the final session reserved for comments, discussions became somewhat heated when a man stood and said through the “human mic,” “We are all God’s children. We should not label each other.” Another man responded, “Issues of inequality should be at the center of discussions.”
A woman added, “Don’t mention God. It makes me feel like I have to hide my agnostic beliefs.”
By 7:00 p.m. the meeting was adjourned, and protesters slowly dispersed.