Posted on October 31, 2011

Black Male High School Dropouts Headed to Prison

Annsonita Robinson, Rollingout, October 23, 2011

Washington lawmakers continue to search for areas of improvement with No Child Left Behind. {snip} The foundation of the discussion is how to better serve the 5 percent of students and schools that have the lowest performance and achievement gaps wider than the norm. {snip}


According to the U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, the 2009 dropout rate for African Americans stood at 9.3 percent compared to whites at 5.2 percent. {snip}

The Manhattan Institute released a study in 2006 that surveyed the 100 largest school districts in the United States. It found that only 48 percent of African American males earn a high school diploma; 11 percent less than African American females. More disconcerting is the news that 1 in 4 black males who drop out of high school will end up incarcerated.