Posted on June 9, 2011

Kanazawa Fired After Black Women Are Unattractive Blog Goes Bust

Anissa Ford, Huliq, June 5, 2011

One would think that a Japanese evolutionary scientist with a strong media following would know better than to offend black women. Lately, coming down hard on black women hasn’t worked out so well for media guys.


And now Satoshi Kanazawa’s lost his blog and his profile page has been deleted from Psychology Today’s website. His article and unqualified research on unattractive black women sent off a fury of protests online. 75,000 people blew up Psychology Today via email, Twitter and Facebook. Some even rang Psychology Today’s telephones off the hook.

When all was said and done, Psychology Today sent an email to and informed the largest online African American political organization that Kanazawa’s work won’t appear on their site any longer. Psychology Today even said they’ve instituted new rules to prevent inflammatory content in the future.


Kanazawa’s blogs, for as long as Psychology Today has published them (a little over five years now) have always been controversial, racist, sexist, and unfounded. Most of his blogs are hypotheses on human nature (or why men and women do the the things that they do). Readers are drawn into Kanazawa’s ideologies because his notions offer one explanation for human behavior in our contemporary culture and its current setting.
