Gradual Islamization of Australia: Auburn Shows the Way
Radhasyam Brahmachari, Faith Freedom, April 27, 2011
Muslims of Australia spray Hindu temple with bullets:
Australia’s oldest Hindu temple, the Sri Mandir dedicated to Lord Shiva, considered as the holiest Shiva-Shakti Peetham, in Auburn, is under siege and its devotees are gripped by fear. On March 19, two Muslim miscreants in balaclavas stood at the intersection of a nearby road, spraying the front of the prayer hall with eight rounds of bullets. The building was unoccupied at that time; otherwise there would have been many casualties. This busy Hindu temple opened in 1977 and is surrounded by a predominantly Muslim population. It is no secret among locals that tensions have been building in recent years, caused by concerns mainly about noise and parking problems.
The trouble began with minor acts of vandalism, including egg throwing and smashing of window-panes, but instead of remaining periodic footnotes in the night log at Auburn police station, the incidents have grown so violent–and the issue is so culturally sensitive–that even authorities are reluctant to speak about them publicly.
“The attacks have been in retaliation for noise and parking problems”, says the Sydney Morning Herald. In reality, they are more likely in retaliation for the Hindus’ irritating refusal to worship Allah alone and acknowledge Muhammad as his prophet. “There is no excuse for the gun attack,” says the editor of Sydney newspaper The Indian, Rohit Revo. “This was not the work of teenagers; neither was it a petty prank. This is part of a sustained and increasingly violent campaign to scare the temple devotees and drive them out. By definition, this latest attack was an act of terrorism”, says Mr Revo. According to the report of another newspaper The Sun-Herald, the ongoing feud has caused disquiet among some of the most senior police in western Sydney. In a rare move, details of the shooting were deliberately held back from the NSW police media unit through concern that publicity might inflame hostilities….Many believe that the Muslims are trying to occupy the temple land by terror and intimidation for building a mosque at the site.
In his article Just Looking Around gradual Islamization of Australia , Wendy Larkson writes, Auburn, located 19 kms from the centre of Sydney, has a greatly diversified population and it is a place with Turkish, Lebanese, Vietnamese, Somali, Sudanese, Bosnian, Afghan, Chinese and Indian immigrants. According to Mr Larkson, the area is gradually becoming Muslim dominated. “If you walk around Auburn you will see many signs in Arabic, African immigrants [who looked to me quite unhappy] and of course many hijabbed women walking past shops with names like ‘Medina Bakery’ and so on”, he says. It is the place where the Gallipoli Mosque is located.
The Gallipoli Mosque in Auburn, a suburb of Sydney, is the first mosque in the locality and was opened for worship on November 3, 1979. Initially, it was a house with internal walls. But later on, the walls were removed to generate open space. The construction of the present mosque structure began in 1986. Its construction and external finishes were completed and officially opened on 28th of November 1999, twenty years after the first opening. Today, the Auburn Gallipoli Mosque is the largest Mosque in Australia.
According to the 2006 census, approximately 340,392 people, or 1.71% of the total Australian population were Muslims. At present, the five most prominent religions in Auburn are Islam (40.9%), Catholicism (15.3%), No religion (10.3%), Buddhism (6.8%) and Anglican (3.6%) and this statistics reflects an influx of Muslims in the area leading to a demographic change over the past decades and also a qualitative social change. In fact, Auburn was the first suburb in Australia in which security guards were introduced into supermarkets to patrol the aisles, because the burqa-clad women were stealing so much merchandise as to make them unprofitable.
Problem with the Muslim immigrants:
The author Larkson also says the he has noticed an unusual increase of Chinese presence in the area that may lead to a territorial battle between the increasing Chinese population and the Islamic groups. He also says that, perhaps these were the people who answered ‘no religion’ in the census. But, most of these Chinese people possibly are Buddhists by religion and it may be certain that they will not create any problem in future. But a large scale increase of Muslim immigrant population poses a serious threat for the non-Muslims of the locality and for the host country at large.
Firstly, the Muslim population grows very fast and faster than any other religious group. How much faster? Journalist Richard Kerbaj, after analyzing the data, has come to the conclusion that the Muslim population is rising ten times faster than the rest of the society (The Times, January 30, 2009). Experts are convinced that the said rapid increase of Muslim population was attributable to (1) large scale immigration, (2) a higher birthrate through planned and deliberate rejection of family planning measures and finally (3) conversions of indigenous people to Islam.
In fact, Islam is a non-spiritual and a totalitarian political creed. Or in other words, Islam is a political party; and each and every mosque is its party office and a military outpost. Furthermore, the religious sermons (khutba) delivered by the imams in mosques after Friday prayers are nothing but pure political lectures. Therefore Muslims, are politically more conscious and active than other religious groups. As a result, as soon as Muslims in a non-Muslim country could sense that major political parties are greedy for their votes and have adopted the policy of Muslim appeasement, they start bargaining to squeeze out as much privilege as possible. And they go on demanding unjust financial, religious or any other benefits and concessions from the government, because they know that government would bow to their most unjust and illegal demands for their votes. In this manner, they elevate themselves as citizens of first category, while the indigenous people of the country reduce to second category citizens.
In addition, they also intensify their jihadi and other unlawful and terrorist activities, knowing well that the government would turn a blind eye to those activities for the fear of losing their votes and the recent terrorist attack on the Hindu Mandir at Auburn is manifestation of this attitude. In another development, three men have been found guilty of plotting a suicide attack on an army base in Australian city of Sydney.A Melbourne court has found them guilty of conspiring to commit a terrorist act. Two other defendants were acquitted. The five men, all Australian citizens of Somali or Lebanese origin, were arrested in Melbourne in August 2009. They were accused of targeting Sydney’s Holsworthy military base. Police said the attack would have been the worst in Australian history.
A rise in Muslim population also poses a serious threat to the culture and social fabric of a host Christian country. This is because Islam is fundamentally a totalitarian political creed disguised as a religion and its followers reluctant to get assimilated with the mainstream population and hell bent on for retaining their Muslim identity. It is now well known that the aim of Islam is to destroy all other religions and establish Islam as the supreme religion over the entire world (see Quran 8:39, 2:193).
So, Muslim immigrants, who come to work as a labour in any foreign country, also come with the desire in the core of their hearts to conquer that country for Islam and to rule that country and, thus, to replace the present Judeo-Christian culture of the host country by Arabian religio-political and cultural order. In other words, they aim to turn that country into a colony of Arab religious imperialism. These Muslims do not have any loyalty to the host country. They are loyal, firstly to Allah, then to Allah’s messenger Muhammad and Allah’s book Koran, and finally to the holy places Mecca and Medina. From this viewpoint, each and every Muslim immigrant entertains hostility toward the host country so long it remains under non-Islamic rule.
It has been mentioned earlier that the Leftist political parties around the world are generally found to be more sympathetic to the Muslims. Following this trend, the Labour Party of Australia is showing more sympathy toward Muslims, simply to earn their votes. And as a return, Muslim immigrants pretend to be more loyal to the Labour. Commenting on this Muslim-Labour alliance, particularly in the UK, political observer Nick Spencer writes:
“There are good demographic and socio-economic reasons for that support. British Muslims are disproportionately younger and more urban. They come from lower-income households and experience higher levels of unemployment. These factors traditionally edge voters to the left. Perhaps the Muslim vote is actually made up of cross-currents of wider and more powerful demographic and socio-economic trends.”
In the 2010 federal election, Gillard Labor government has been elected to a second term over the Coalition opposition, led by Tony Abbott. It has been mentioned above that, according to the 2006 census, approximately 340,392 people, or 1.71% of the total Australian population was Muslims. But the Labor Government, led by the Prime Minister Julia Gillard, has started to appease the Muslims nakedly for votes of that hardly 1.7% Muslims. We hope to discuss this matter in a separate article.