Mayor Stoned to Death Is Fifth Mexico Leader Killed Since August
Jack Dennis, San Antonio Examiner, September 28, 2010
The mayor of Tanciatro, Mexico, whose body was found in the back of a pickup or flatbed truck, was apparently stoned to death according to local and international new sources on Tuesday, September 28, 2010.
The killing of Gustavo Sanchez brings the public official killing count to five since mid-August in Mexico. The mayor’s body was thrown in the back of the truck along his an aide who was also killed.
The Mexico death toll is over 29,000 since President Felipe Calderon launched a war on drug cartels in late 2006.
On Thursday, September 23, a mayor of a small town near Monterrey, Mexico was killed by armed men. The next day, a mayor-elect in northern Mexico was shot in the chest and head by drug gang members.
A U.S. State Department travel advisory remains in effect warning of growing violence, primarily in the six northern states of Mexico..