Posted on September 21, 2010

Haitians Cry in Letters: ‘Please–Do Something!’

Deborah Sontag, New York Times, September 19, 2010


When the International Organization for Migration added suggestion boxes to its information kiosks in scores of camps, it did not expect to tap directly into a well of pent-up emotions. “I anticipated maybe a few cranky letters,” said Leonard Doyle, who handles communications for the organization in Haiti. “But to my absolute, blow-me-down surprise, we got 700 letters in three days from our first boxes–real individualized expressions of suffering that give a human face to this ongoing tragedy.”


Several writers sent terse wish lists on self-designed forms: “Name: Paul Wilbert. Camp: Boulos. Need: House. Demand: $1,250. Project: Build house. Thank you.”


{snip} “We are so powerless,” she [Sandra Felicien] said. “It is like we are bobbing along on the waves of the ocean, waiting to be saved.”
