Flyers Being Distributed By County Minutemen
Neil Young, The Daily News (Bullhead, Arizona), April 5, 2007
The Mohave County Minutemen are distributing flyers to Bullhead City area businesses. “We wanted to help the employers with information they can verify the status of legality of their workers,” said county Minutemen co-founder Luca Zanna of Golden Valley.
“From what we’ve been seeing, a lot of them don’t know about it,” added co-founder Virginia Hilton of Bullhead City.
The Mohave County Minutemen are inspired bybut not affiliated withthe national Minuteman Project.
“We want the employers to wake up here,” she said, “and be on notice that they cannot just keep hiring illegal aliens and getting away with it.
“There’s businesses that follow the law and they’re being hurt because they’re having to pay out more in wages and they’re being underbid on contracts.”
Businesses found in violation of federal law can incur “costly fines, confiscation of property and audits from Federal and State governmentsnot to mention the shame and loss of clients that could come with public exposure of illegal aliens practices,” the news release stated.