Posted on February 5, 2007

Florida Technical School Student Angry Over Lack of Black History Classes Stabs 3 With Screwdriver

AP, Friday, February 2, 2007

A 25-year-old student angry that his technical school wasn’t teaching about black history walked into his business class Friday and stabbed three school officials with a screwdriver, police said.


[Kevin] Mair became agitated and “expressed his displeasure about the lack of black history being taught at the school,” Avello said. February is Black History Month.

The teacher asked Mair to leave and called for staff assistance, he said.

Mair then attacked the three victims with a screwdriver he took to school, officials said. {snip}

Mair fled in his car, was involved in a car crash and tried to run from officers but was apprehended.

He will be charged with multiple counts of aggravated battery, authorities said.
