DeKalb Accused of Racial Bias
WXIA-TV (Atlanta), May 24, 2006
DeKalb firefighter’s union leaders say a newly-released tape contains a conversation between county Human Resources Director Joe Stone and Assistant County Administrator Morris Williams.
Stone was talking about Fire Chief David Foster’s promotion recommendations.
“He tried to promote to battalion chief but he wants to pick ‘em from a population that is solid snow white already. Now he’s got to cut that s*** out with Vernon,” Stone said on the tape. “We don’t promote anybody until you figure out how to fix the problem.”
“I’m stunned by hearing it. I wouldn’t have believed it with my own ears,” said firefighters union secretary Jon Dorman.
Union officials allege at least seven qualified captains have been passed over for the battalion chief job. Battalion chiefs oversee five fire stations and up to 50 personnel.