Posted on August 5, 2005

Dutch Want Muslim Headscarf Ban for Officials

Reuters, Aug. 5

AMSTERDAM — A majority of Dutch people want a ban on public officials wearing Muslim headscarves, a significant fall in religious tolerance from two years ago when most people did not back a ban, a poll showed on Friday.

The survey, conducted by pollsters TNS Nipo for Binnenlands Bestuur, a weekly newspaper for government employees, showed that 58 percent of Dutch people want local authorities to ban Muslim officials from wearing headscarves at work.

The poll of 433 people conducted in May also showed that 83 percent want a ban on more orthodox Islamic clothing such as veils that cover the face and long robes for men.


“The Dutch have left tolerance behind them. Just two years ago, the majority of the population had no problem with an official with a headscarf,” the newspaper wrote.
