Posted on April 11, 2005

Cities Call For Stop to Immigrant Influx

DR Nyheder (Denmark), Apr. 5

Local authorities in four Danish cities have called for a halt to immigration in the Danish cities as these are not able to integrate more immigrants.

According to the local governments, schools in the immigrant ghettoes in the big cities cannot cope with the continued influx of immigrants from small towns and rural districts.

In recent years, the big cities have been exempted from receiving new immigrants arriving in Denmark as these have been allocated to small towns and rural districts instead.

At the same time, immigration legislation has been introduced that requires these newcomers to live in the same place for three years before moving, but as soon as the three years have passed many immigrants move to the cities.

Here, the local authorities and especially local schools are currently struggling to cope with the influx of immigrants, who are often poorly integrated into Danish society.

This morning, local authorities in the cities of Århus, Odense, Kolding and Vejle said that their pain threshold had been reached and called for a ban on immigration in the major cities.