Posted on August 25, 2004

3rd Parties To Merge Into 1?, Aug. 25

Representatives of so-called “third parties” are discussing the possibility of merging in hopes of creating more influence for those voters disenchanted with the two major political parties.

A recent meeting organized by the Clarion Call to Converge Committee included national chairmen or representatives from the American Party, America First Party and the Independent American Party. According to meeting organizers, the Constitution Party chairman planned to attend the Aug. 14 powwow but was unable to due to Hurricane Charley complications.

“We were able to share points of view that will lead to future talks toward the goal of merging,” said conference MC Jeffery J. Cole in a statement.

The participants in the meeting, which was held in Plainfield, Ind., identified core principles all parties involved could build a merger upon. They included being “pro-Christian, pro-family, pro-life and pro-Constitution,” said the statement.

Cole reportedly began the meeting by stressing the “urgent” need of a merger to take place. If like-minded third parties were to merge, proponents argue, the united party would have much more political clout than smaller individual groups.

Cole told the participants: “The Clarion Call Committee has been witness to hundreds and perhaps thousands of comments from citizens who are disenchanted with the two-party system. And the more politically astute of those citizens have asserted the question: ‘Why doesn’t the third-party movement merge together?’ It is a fair question.

“Based upon this, and the sense of urgency most of us feel, the slippery slope our nation is on sliding toward totalitarianism, does it not behoove those . . . who hear the godly call toward liberty to mobilize the sentiment in uniting our endeavors?”

Cole said third parties must unite if they expect to become a viable force against the Democrats and the Republicans.

According to the committee’s statement, its chairman, Bob Solomon, stressed the need to united so as to better combat globalization.

Solomon said, “You can stay divided and lose all your parties to a one-world government, or join together and make us a viable force against the political system that is ignoring our Constitution and leading us into a one-world government.”

Not all participants were excited about the idea of merging. According to the committee’s statement, John Hey of the America First Party expressed concern that certain religious biases could prevent various factions from coming together.

Another meeting of party representatives is planned for Nov. 6, the statement indicated. John Francis is the third-party liaison for the Clarion Call to Converge Committee.

The current issue of WorldNetDaily’s popular magazine, Whistleblower, is entitled “Revolt on the Right: Why the Republican Party is losing conservative voters.” It explores how some voters are abandoning, or considering abandoning, their traditional political home, the Republican Party, in favor of a third party.