Posted on August 5, 2021

Guide for the Perplexed: Rearing White Children

John Leland Adams, American Renaissance, August 5, 2021

This is the second in a series of advice columns for AmRen readers. They are written by a man of great wisdom and long experience. If you have a question for him, please send it to or through the “Contact Us” tab on this website.

Question: Dear Mr. Adams,

How should a white advocate rear children? One impulse is to teach them as soon as possible what we know about racial differences, our take on history, and our vision of an independent future. It is crucial that white children understand the reality of the world they are living in. Another impulse is to lie low and raise your children to be “normal,” realizing that if they start talking at school or with friends about white advocacy, it might trigger a call to child services.

When I see children brought along to radical protests of any kind — whether far left or far right — I am put off. And I wonder if those children won’t grow up to reject the weirdness of their parents and go to the opposite side. What are your thoughts?

Answer: I hear friends say they don’t want to bring a child into this society. That is cowardice. Our ancestors were having children in Russia when the Mongols were sacking their villages and killing every white person in their path. They had children in Greece under Turkish rule even though the Turks periodically abducted their sons to put them into the Janissary military units. The whites in Spain had children during centuries of domination by the Moors. Our people must have children regardless of how grim the prospects.

By way of full disclosure, I do not have children. I wish I did. My advice will be only from an observer’s perspective, but most of my friends and relatives have families. I have studied how they reared their children and thought a lot about how I and my extended family were reared.

First: You must start when they are little. You cannot wait till they are teenagers. It’s too late. Until about age eight to ten most children accept whatever their parents say. They have “blotter minds.” The child does not reject what his parents say. He doesn’t argue.

The Jesuits said that if they were given a child till age seven, they would have him for life. Somewhere around age eight, children — especially boys — begin to think analytically. If you want your children to share your opinions and values, start in their formative years, when you are a god and they accept what you say. You cannot wait — as a number of racially aware whites I have known have done — until your children are teenagers.

Nature is structured such that teenagers start pulling away to start their own families. They won’t listen to parents, and some become insufferable. If children were born as teenagers, the human species would become extinct. You would kill them on sight. However, if you are patient and loving, children will come back to you.

Please note that in referring to a child I use the pronoun “he,” which is the English method of including both sexes. No one would ever imagine that the saying “He who hesitates is lost” does not apply to women.

The child’s safety

A child might say something that could physically harm him or — as you say — draw the unfriendly attention of the child authorities. “My daddy says blacks are dangerous.” In some quiet way you must make your child understand that the home and the outside world are different things. What is said at home is not for public consumption. I don’t know how this is done, but I know it has been done under even worse circumstances than our current ones.

When I was about 14 years old (at the height of the Cold War), two Estonian boys stayed with my parents for a few days before going to college. Their father had stolen a boat in the 1950s, put his wife and children on it, and managed to get across the sea to Finland. The boys talked about life in Estonia under the rule of that great “progressive,” Chairman Stalin. They explained that there were periodic interrogations at school. The children were asked if their parents read the Bible, prayed, listened to foreign broadcasts, etc.

The devilish thing was that the Communists would start the questioning with the youngest children. That way, if your little brother or sister revealed that your parents were religious holdouts, Estonian patriots, unsympathetic to the Party, and you didn’t, you would be punished along with your parents.

I asked these boys how little kids knew not to tell the truth. They couldn’t explain it. They just said that everyone knew that the world outside the home was a dangerous place and that you never revealed what was going on at home. Seneca said it is hard to determine where the line falls that separates prudence from cowardice, and he was right. It’s hard to determine where the line should fall between irresponsibly exposing your children and yourself to danger and prudently rearing them.

Proper shaping of the child at the beginning

The first thing is naming the child. Many parents give the child a name “because it’s popular.” There are many girls who were born when I was in college who were named “Brandy” because of a song with lyrics that ran, “Brandy, what a fine girl. What a great wife you would be! Enough to steal a sailor from the sea.” They picked the name of an alcoholic drink from a song about a barmaid. “Tiffany” is another silly name.

Avoid all names that are odd or will provoke teasing and putdowns from friends. Do not name a child “Titus” or “Adolph” or even “Calvin” or “Cranmer.” While we hope our children will share our values, most of them are not going to be as involved in the cause as we are. They should not be made to bear this burden which they did not choose for themselves.

If possible, pick out a name that has meaning but is not too obviously ideological. Family names can work. “Last name” first names carry higher status, especially in the South. Giving a child a name like “Seabrook”, “Ridley” or “Waring” from a family line is dignified.

(Studies have shown that a name has an impact on how a person is perceived. The name “Gertrude” will reduce a man’s estimate of a woman’s physical attractiveness.) Explain the name’s meaning to your child, so he will think of its meaning all his life.

I knew a boy who was of German extraction and whose parents had named him “Armin” as a short form of “Arminius,” the German hero who defeated the Romans and saved Germany around 50 BC. While “Armin” is an unusual name, it doesn’t sound “funny” to English ears and it has a strong, solid, masculine ring. An Italian American might name his son “Victor” for Victor Emmanuel, the Savoy King who united Italy in the 19th century.

Girl’s names are harder. Latin names for girls have a dignified, classy tone: “Diana” (except the odious “Princess” may have ruined that for a long time) and “Julia” are examples. It’s hard to find Anglo-Saxon names for girls. Most of them sound cold and frigid like “Edith.”

One should avoid “Bible” names especially from the Old Testament. One-syllable, solid, manly names such as “Mark”, “John”, “James” are exceptions, though James brings the possibility of the sissy-sounding diminutive “Jimmy.” Suppress any move by people to use nicknames for your child. Nicknames are almost always degrading.

Furnishing the child’s room

You should hang a map of the world and a map of the United States (or Britain, Canada or Australia if you live there). If you have a strong ethnic identification and want your child to connect with it, you should put up a map of France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Russia or whatever. Point out to him where you came from. If you have any prominent ancestors or even just exceptionally good ancestors, you might put up their portraits or pictures and explain that your child is descended from these people.

Maybe you don’t know your family tree and you don’t know prominent ancestors. If so, within reason put up pictures of heroic figures including figures from antiquity.


The influence of peers can be greater than that of parents. Young people naturally want to “fit in.” “Fitting in” can mean becoming a drunk, taking drugs, making friends with racial outsiders, etc. You want your child around top quality children. He will more often than not marry the kind of girl or boy he grew up with.

Try to find a cub scout or boy scout troop whose members represent the kind of guys whose sisters you want your son to marry. Enroll children of both sexes in martial arts. It could save their lives. Also, martial arts seem to inoculate children against “progressive” ideology.


Homeschooling may be best. There are a lot of aids now for parents who homeschool. You can sign up for computer-based instructions from excellent teachers in all subjects. Your child might not be properly socialized if he doesn’t mix with others, but I am told that homeschoolers now have scout troops, sports teams, hiking clubs, dance groups, and so on in which they can enroll children.

Specific tips

When your child begins to assimilate vocabulary, do not talk baby-talk. My family were like parents in Victorian times. They treated children like little adults. By the time we got into the early years of elementary school we had adult vocabularies. Sometimes this caused people to laugh at us, but it has been a great advantage.

Do not encourage whining, crying, whimpering, sulking, pouting and other forms of psychological warfare. Modern parents unconsciously train their children like Pavlov’s dogs to become cry-babies.


Make the implicit message of advertising explicit. It will train children to see through the propaganda. Point out underhanded and dishonest gimmicks. Ask your son, for instance, if he thinks girls in school will go gaga over him if he uses the hair spray in the advertisement.

Current events

Interest your older children in what’s going on in society. Discuss events calmly. Respect their opinions even when they are wrong. Call to their attention how the System media suppress certain facts, interview only people who express the “right” views, misstates things, etc. Make them aware of how the media are trying to manipulate them just as the hair spray commercials do.

Do not raise your voice. Not only in your family but with people in your day to day lives, speak with the voice of authority. When someone gets angry, he forfeits authority. If you do this with your teenager, you will also make him mad.

Ask your teenager questions. Let him answer and explain. This is a good way to draw him out. Treat him with respect even when he is wrong.

Books, movies, etc.

Choose materials that will benefit your children. Keep away from television. Westerns, and the Davy Crockett movies Disney made and other older productions are useful.

Books by G. A. Henty, the most popular Victorian author of books for boys, are very good. I loved them when I was a child, and learned a lot of history. The Henty books are always about an Anglo-Saxon boy or boys who have an adventure in some period of history. In the Reign of Terror gave me the right attitude toward the French Revolution. Generally, any fiction written before 1950 will not be poisonous.


Seal your children off from rap, rock, etc. Involve them in singing folk songs and ballads. The Stephen Foster songs are an example. Play light classical music, such as Strauss waltzes. During their first eight years, ground your children’s musical tastes in white genres that will inoculate them against the noise made by non-whites.


Every now and then drive your children through black neighborhoods, especially in good weather, when the residents are on their porches. Your children will not otherwise see blacks in their native habitat. Children in an innocent way can often see things that over-educated adults cannot see.

Do not be pedantic about race. Look for opportunities gently to nudge children in sensible directions. If there is news about low test scores in black schools, casually introduce the idea of racial differences. Just plant the idea at first. Details can come later. If your child becomes aware of the number of blacks in certain sports, suggest biological reasons.

There is no harm in saying positive things about being white. A friend tells me he would tell his children from time to time, “Our people have been white for 40,000 years, and we like being white.” As soon as your children show any interest in art — painting, sculpture, music, architecture — point out that these beautiful things reflect a European — a white — sensibility.

Explain that Europeans built the modern world: science, medicine, engineering. Note that virtually every country is trying to copy the ways of life of European people. Brings these things up casually, lightly, and relatively frequently rather than turning race into an intimidating lecture subject.

If you have racially conscious friends with children, try to get together with them often. It is important for children to know that it is not only their parents who have unorthodox views and that there are other adults and children whom they like who also hold these views. Even if your friends do not have children, let your own children overhear conversations with other dissidents. Make sure your friends do not use slurs or talk insultingly about non-whites.

When your children are older, talk about immigration. Explain that huge numbers of non-whites want to come here because are not as good as we are at building successful societies. Point out that Hispanic neighborhoods often reproduce aspects of Hispanic society that we don’t find desirable. Explain that it was whites who established the American way of living and that as more non-whites come, our country changes in ways we don’t like. Your children should understand that non-white countries do not permit mass immigration because they don’t want to change. Explain that we don’t want to change, either.

Point out what happens when large numbers of non-whites move into white neighborhoods. Show the hypocrisy of people who talk about “diversity” but who live in the whitest parts of town.

When talking about non-whites, never use slurs, never talk insultingly or in a meanspirited way. Talk about differences between groups and the natural preference for people who are similar. Do not talk about “superiority” or “inferiority.” Do not hesitate to praise the strengths of non-whites.

Eventually, introduce your children to the excellent dissident literature now available. This is a great change from when I was young, when good reading material was hard to find. Only when you are reasonably certain your children are well established on a healthy course should you show them dissident websites. Even AmRen, especially in its comments section, is too harsh for young people whom you are asking to abandon an almost universally accepted way of seeing the world. Even the slightest exaggeration or vituperation may drive them off.

Final words

Although I do not have children, I do know one thing: A loving household is the best basis for agreement and harmony. If you love your spouse, your children will know it and respect you and love you both all the more. If you love your children — and demonstrate your love often — they will respect your views, no matter how dissident.

If love doesn’t conquer all, it certainly conquers a lot. If you want your children to love their race, they must first love their family. This means they must love you and your spouse, and it means you must be a man and women infinitely and deeply worthy of a child’s love. You may think that rearing honorable white children is about children. It’s not. It’s about you.