Posted on April 14, 2024

Encounters with the Unspeakable Word People

Anonymous American, American Renaissance, April 14, 2024

This is part of our continuing series of accounts by readers of how they shed the illusions of liberalism and became race realists. A version of this essay originally appeared on Substack.

We’d recently moved from a small community in the eastern Colorado plains to a bigger city, and it was a shock to the senses. My first encounter with racial hate as a white girl happened when I got attacked after school one afternoon by a black boy.

He followed me off the school grounds, stopped me, grabbed me by the collar of whatever I wore that day (this was way before school uniforms were implemented), and he slapped me with an open hand, hard enough that I stumbled back. I guess because I didn’t fall down or cry, that enraged him. He kicked me in the stomach, and then I fell to the ground, but I didn’t cry. I wasn’t hurt, I was confused as I could not figure out what I did to incite such actions. Thinking back to that event now, I think I was scared a little, as he stomped a threatening foot at me and screamed words I’d never heard. Now, I know those words were racial slurs.

A man who knew my dad came out of his house and chased the black kid and his “friends” away. That was the day I heard that unspeakable word shouted by that man as the black kids ran away. The man took me home and told my dad what he had witnessed. The way my dad looked at me, I thought I was in trouble, but I was not. I had just been naïve and unprepared.

After dinner that night, my dad took me out into the garage and told me to keep my distance from the unspeakable word people. “They are trouble, always have, always will be, and you cannot go wrong by keeping your distance from them.” That was also the night my dad showed me how to defend myself, to fight back, not only from the unspeakable word people, but from anyone who tried to beat on me.

A couple of days later, the situation happened again. Only this time, when that same unspeakable word person attacked me, I defended myself like my dad showed me. I blocked his slap, then hit him hard enough in the face that I busted his lip open and knocked him down. He got up and, along with the bunch with him, ran away. I never had a problem with that kid or his groupies again. A few days later, our teacher told the class that he and those with him had died in Five Points. I don’t remember how they died, just that they were gone. I remember feeling relief at that announcement.

Five Points was a dangerous area of the city that today would be called the hood. A non-black person entering it, unaware of the danger, might not come out alive. It seems every city has such areas, and they are growing. Some are now referred to as “no go zones.”

In the military, I encountered more unspeakable word people, and the black males pestered me, asking me to go on dates. My answer was always the same: No. Even in the military, I was called all kinds of explicit racial slurs, but by then I better understood the dangers presented by the unspeakable word people and kept my distance.

Throughout my life, I have continued to follow my dad’s advice and have kept my distance. Even now, decades later, I stay away from them as best I can. When I cannot keep them at a distance, I am very aware of the danger they pose to my personal safety. Yet, as I watch events in cities across America, as a spectator, I feel there will come a time when staying away may not be possible, as the unspeakable word people and their hate continue to infest every corner of common spaces.

I have noticed an increase in what I feel are real black Africans. You know the ones, those that sing “Kill the Boer” and disturb the peace of everyone while they destroy civilization. Those Africans teach common American blacks how to riot, take over blocks, how to steal from stores and get away with millions of dollars in merchandise because the store owners would rather lose their products than have an employee take out a thief. Those real Africans are dangerous, and they are washing through white civilized countries and communities to destroy what white people have built. Along with them comes the hateful ideology of Islam, which introduces another level of danger into the American black community.

Some real Africans stop long enough to slap a stupid white girl across the face as she stands in her doorway. The ignorant white girl stands there, not seeing the threat and not defending herself by bashing the African’s head against the wall or slamming the door in his face. The African then tells a group of common American blacks not to play with whites but to insult them, beat them and, when they can, kill them.That untainted hate is blasted out against persons of other skin colors as well.

Anyone who pushes back against the angry blacks and their hate gets screamed at with words like racist, Nazi, and white supremacist. Those are all words that Africans, common blacks, and their non-black useful-idiot supporters use, to shut down protests against blacks’ actions. Most white people fear those words, and many would rather allow businesses to be destroyed through theft and fires than to get involved, outside of videotaping the events on their phones.

At this late stage of my life, I have seen things change. I now write fiction that carries warnings to whites about their antagonists and the festering hate those unspeakable word people carry against every other skin color on the planet. I don’t like what I see in the future for planet Earth.

If real black Africans and common blacks face no consequences for their actions, Earth’s skin color diversity will disappear. There will be no whites, browns, reds, or yellows. There will be no Europeans, Asians, Indians, Hispanics. There will be only blacks, who will continue, among themselves, the their violent lifestyle, while Islam infests more hate into the weak minds of their communities.

If you have a story about how you became racially aware, or about your firsthand experience with race, we’d like to hear it. If it is well written and compelling, we will publish it. Please feel free to use a pen name and send it to us here.