Posted on October 21, 2022

Squeegee Workers Harass Federal Judge Overseeing BPD Consent Decree, Police Report Says

David Collins, WBAL, October 19, 2022

The federal judge overseeing the Baltimore police consent decree had to call officers after squeegee workers harassed him Sunday {snip}

According to a police report obtained by the I-Team, police labeled the incident a disorderly conduct case. The report states Chief District Judge James Bredar and his wife repeatedly refused service just before 2 p.m. at the intersection of Mount Royal and West North avenues when two squeegee workers became aggressive to the point where the couple felt the need to call police.

According to the police report, one worker raised his middle finger and spat on Bredar’s SUV. Bredar said another worker used soap suds to write the word “racist” on several of the SUV’s windows.


David Jones told 11 News getting squeegee workers off the corners is long overdue.

“(They have) a free pass to do whatever they want. They have no respect for nothing,” Jones said.

Jones said a squeegee worker pulled a gun on him in July after he questioned why the worker broke off his windshield wiper when Jones declined a wash {snip}


The incident involving Jones took place just hours before Timothy Reynolds was shot and killed at the same intersection after he took a baseball bat to go after squeegee workers.

Jones said the judge in his case released the worker and ordered him to pay $500 to replace his wiper, the bracket and motor. {snip}
