Posted on December 13, 2021

Asian Women’s Success Disproves Claims of ‘White Male Supremacy’

Rav Arora, New York Post, December 11, 2021

The progressive left’s belief that the United States is a country rampant with white supremacy and misogyny has gained a lot of cultural traction. However, newly released statistics from the US Department of Labor repudiate this narrative.

For the first three quarters of 2021, Asian women’s median weekly earnings surpassed those of white men, a trend that only began last year. In the most recent quarter (July to September), Asian women earned close to 10 percent more than white men. The highest-earning Asian female groups are Taiwanese, Indian and Chinese.

Asian women are hardly outliers. According to the latest 2019 census data, women of various Middle Eastern backgrounds out-earned their white counterparts: full-time working Iranian, Turkish and Palestinian women’s earnings were higher than those of white women. Moreover, a 2017 University of Michigan study found African-born black women had both higher earnings and income growth compared to white women in the US.

{snip} According to the theory of intersectionality, ethnic women are subject to double-disadvantage due to their intersecting victimized identity traits. But this trendy “woke” neo-Marxist ideology emanating from academia, could not be further from reality.


Several studies show Asian communities emphasize personal responsibility and self-made success more than other groups. For example, a Pew Research Center survey found that Asian Americans were significantly more likely to believe “most people who want to get ahead can make it if they are willing to work harder” than the general public.

When it comes to Asian women specifically, it is no wonder why they are achieving such success in the labor market. Compared to other female groups on average, they have fewer kids, and have kids at a later age in life. They are least likely to have kids out of wedlock and, due to multi-generation Asian family dynamics, they have more support in raising their kids from their parents and extended family. {snip}
