Posted on August 3, 2020

Here’s How New COVID-19 Travel Restrictions in DC Could Affect the 2020 March on Washington

Michael Quander, WUSA9, July 31, 2020

The event called ‘Commitment March: Get Your Knee Off Our Necks’ is still planning to go full-steam ahead despite increased COVID-19 restrictions in the D.C.

The mayor put out a mandatory two-week quarantine order for anyone traveling from a coronavirus hot spot, but the way it might affect the upcoming march is confusing depending on who you ask.

NAN is the organizing organization of the ‘Get Your Knee Off Our Necks’ march which is happening on August 28th.


The mayoral order requires anyone travelling from hot spots to self-quarantine for 14 days after their arrival in the District.


If the travel restrictions are in effect by the time of the march happens, someone traveling from a state that’s deemed a COVID-19 hotspot will have to quarantine for 14-days after they arrive in the District.
