Posted on February 12, 2018

A New White Dating Site

Liv Heide, American Renaissance, February 12, 2018

WhiteDate.NET is a new dating site for Caucasian singles, whose purpose is to stop the demographic decline of people of European descent.

In Western societies that include people of various cultural and ethnic backgrounds, online dating reflects in-group preferences. Dating sites for Latinos, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Blacks, Indians, Jews, Arabs etc. are responding to the natural desire to find culturally and ethnically similar partners.

However, there are virtually no dating sites just for whites. We think this is because entrepreneurs are afraid of being called “racist” by people who seem to think romantic in-group preference is evil only when whites practice it.

WhiteDate.NET offers a platform for traditional-thinking singles who respect the natural order between the sexes. We invite men and women who understand the dangerous influence of propagandized feminism and nihilism on our lives, and who believe in rediscovering femininity, grace, poise and dignity as the key abilities for women to re-attract men.

Our goals

1) We want traditional men and women who want families to find each other

WhiteDate offers the contact opportunities of a classic dating site. So far, three-fourths of the sign-ups are men, perhaps because most women let men take the lead in new endeavours. But this means women are in high demand. Sign up, ladies!

2) We want to build social and educational NETworks

With the new section “White Diaspora,” WhiteDate offers a real-world meet-up structure to bring traditionally minded whites together in the real world. Groups can be formed according to various interests: Books, political discussion, love & relationship advice, child care, health & nutrition, pet lovers, martial arts etc. Whatever your passion, invite “redpilled” people in your area to join.

In a folk- and family-hostile environment for white people, no one else will care about our interests. Our future is in our hands, and we must build a safe, prosperous, and beautiful environment for our descendants.

Liv Heide is the founder of WhiteDate.NET and can be reached at