Posted on January 5, 2018

Ellison Tweet on Antifa Handbook and Trump Draws Criticism

Associated Press, January 5, 2018

Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison is drawing criticism for calling attention to a book that critics say condones a left-leaning group using violence in clashes with white supremacists.

Ellison, the deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee, posted a photo on Twitter Wednesday of himself posing with the book “Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook.” The book calls violence during counter-protests “a small though vital sliver of anti-fascist activity.”

Ellison’s post said the book should “strike fear into the heart” of President Donald Trump. {snip} \\

Minnesota GOP Chairwoman Jennifer Carnahan said Ellison’s post amounted to complicity in a movement “that continues to threaten the well-being of Republicans in Minnesota and around the country.”

Spokesman Karthik Ganapathy says Ellison has not read the book but has espoused nonviolence throughout his career.


Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.)