Posted on May 18, 2017

Soros Scores a Triumph in Philadelphia

Thomas Lifson, American Thinker, May 18, 2017

George Soros

George Soros (Credit Image: © Reporters/

George Soros made a big addition to his collection of district attorneys dedicated to “reshaping the justice system,” code words for racialist practices that hamstring police and leave demographically-favored miscreants unpunished.  Even worse, officers stand down from active policing when they know that prosecutors don’t have their backs.   The consequences are utterly predictable in a post-Ferguson, post-Baltimore world.

Soros has openly been spending his money on electing progressive DAs in big cities and thereby reducing the number of blacks and other minorities punished for crimes. He spent millions last year getting seven DAs elected in 6 states, including Kim Ogg in Harris County (Houston) Texas, a jurisdiction almost three times the population of Philadelphia: 4.41 million to 1.56 million.

Soros leapt into the race for Philadelphia’s DA in April:

Billionaire George Soros has arrived. And he plans to spend a significant chunk of change to support one of the seven candidates, civil-rights attorney Larry Krasner.

A group calling itself Philadelphia Justice and Public Safety filed a political committee registration statement Tuesday —  three weeks before the May 16 primary —  with the city’s Board of Elections.

His investment of $1.45 million dollars worked. Krasner easily defeated 6 other candidates, with an 18-point margin over his closest rival.  Money apparently talks, especially in races where the other candidates have little access to substantial donations. The normal outrage among Democrats over “money politics” is nowhere to be seen when it comes to Soros buying political offices for racialist Democrats.

The Democrats’ nomination ordinarily is tantamount to election in Philly, where a 7 to 1 registration margin overwhelms the hopes of the sole Republican who ran for and therefore won the GOP nod, Beth Grossman. So Soros hasn’t closed the deal, quite yet, but barring a live boy or a dead girl (as the colorful Southern saying goes), Soros has his man in another major city.

Chris Brennan and Julia Terruso of give us a flavor for Krasner’s brand of Sorosism:

Krasner, a defense attorney for three decades best known for taking on civil rights cases for Black Lives Matter and Occupy Philadelphia members, AIDS activists and protesters arrested at political conventions, has never served a day in his career as a prosecutor.

That became his pitch — that he was more likely to reform the District Attorney’s Office because he had no ties to the institution, unlike most of the other Democrats in the race.

That message appealed to several hundred people who filled the John C. Anderson Apartments community room and an outdoor courtyard in Center City on Tuesday night for Krasner’s victory party.

It got a little rowdy as the results rolled in.

Chants of “No good cops in a racist system” and against the Fraternal Order of Police were quickly shut down by Krasner campaign staffers.

If you liked what happened in Ferguson and Baltimore after cops pulled back, you are going the love the “Philadelphia effect” coming in 2018. “No good cops in a racist system” sends quite a message to Philadelphia’s Finest.