Faked News: Your Guide to 22 Post-Election Hate Hoaxes
John Hayward, Breitbart, December 30, 2016
There’s been a virtual Klan rally of hate hoaxes since the 2016 presidential election, as a mob of frustrated Social Justice Warriors, bored youths, and resentful liberals hide under hoods of lies while trying to tar and stigmatize Donald Trump and his ordinary American supporters.
Given this parade of progressive fakery, journalists should be a lot more skeptical towards claims of hate crimes, and the police should be more willing to prosecute the social arsonists who concoct these costly, society-shredding hate hoaxes for personal gain.
Williams College students disciplined for KKK hoax: After the election, two students doused a staircase in fake blood and wrote “AMKKK KILL” on the walls. Massachusetts State police and the FBI joined the ensuing investigation, only to determine it was a hoax hate crime.
Female Bowling Green State University student lies about Trump fans throwing rocks at her: The day after the election, a black female student named Eleesha Long claimed three men wearing Trump campaign paraphernalia pelted her with rocks and shouted racial slurs at her.
She posted her hate-crime fantasy to Facebook and it went viral, prompting her dad to get the police involved — something she had carefully avoided doing. Her story began changing, and the police eventually nailed her for lying by checking her cell phone history and establishing she was nowhere near the site of the alleged attack. They also found her text message log stuffed with hateful messages directed at Trump supporters, including a wish for them to contract AIDS.
Florida man fakes pro-Trump hate crime and his own Kidnapping, with a side order of arson: 27-year-old Vincent Palmer III landed in police custody after faking a hate crime against his own children, then setting his ex-girlfriend’s car on fire. The phony hate crime was a note with the words “KKK” and “Trump,” plus a threatening message that said, “I HAVE WATHED [SIC] YOU FOR A LONG TIME YOU AND YOUR N****R KIDS DON’T BELONG.” (Palmer is black, while his ex-girlfriend Staci Winn is white.)
The police picked Palmer up for behaving suspiciously near Winn’s residence, and also because he had an outstanding warrant for failure to pay child support, but released him the following day.
Palmer proceeded to fake his own kidnapping, leaving a bloodstained note for his grandparents which read, “KKK….I HATE BLACK MEN WHO F*** WHITE WOMEN….YOU WILL NEVER SEE YOUR 27 GRANDSON AGAIN ALIVE….YOU WILL NEVER FOUND OUT WHO I AM, THIS IS HIS NOTEBOOK…? NICE DOG, YOU SLEEP HARD.”
After his grandpa called the police, they checked the location of his cell phone, which he was still carrying around, and found him hanging out at the local Burger King. His attempt to pass himself off as an entirely different person named “Raquel B. Johnson” was foiled when the cops who had arrested him the previous day arrived on the scene. He admitted to perpetrating all of the hoaxes to throw police off his trail while he terrorized his ex-girlfriend due to “problems he was having with her over their children,” as the police report put it.
In conclusion: Here are two modest suggestions for dealing with the epidemic of Fake Hate Crimes sweeping the nation:
1. No matter how much any given activist group or media organization wants the crime to be true, no matter how neatly it fits their preconceived notions, let’s hold off on uncritical headlines or connect-the-dots Hot Takes until we know if the incident was genuine. That’s a lot to expect of activists, of course, but they should consider what Dr. Zuhdi Jasser said in a Breitbart News Daily interview: hyping fake and dubious hate crimes only damages legitimate efforts to address real issues. “False flag” incidents are very easy to manufacture. Hoaxers don’t need any more encouragement.
2. Fake Hate Crimes should be prosecuted as hate crimes. Sometimes they’re pulled off by criminals who seem primarily interested in covering their tracks, as in some of the examples above. However, they are often acts of sheer bigotry and prejudice, perpetrated for the express purpose of slandering particular racial, political, and religious groups, by people who most assuredly do hate them.
[Editor’s Note: You can read about other hate hoaxes at the original article link below.]