Man Fires 17 Shots into Officer’s Patrol Car and Home, Screams He Hates Police
Russ McQuaid, Fox 59 (Indianapolis), July 12, 2016
March Eugene Ratney, according to Department of Correction records, wasn’t due to be released from prison until this past June 6 after serving half of a 12-year sentence following his conviction as a serious violent felon with a weapon. Ten days later, Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD) officers were called to an east side address where Ratney’s sister said he had pulled a gun and threatened to kill her.
Investigators now report, and neighbors confirmed, Ratney, on parole, was the man clad in a Black Lives Matter t-shirt and screaming profanities at police, who shot up an IMPD officer’s house not far from his own home early this morning.
The officer and his family were uninjured.
The officer had just returned from work, but had not yet retired for the night, when approximately 17 shots were fired from a 9 mm handgun into his house, fence and patrol car.
During his interrogation at IMPD headquarters, Ratney denied the shooting but became irate, cursed the officers and urinated in the interview room.
[Editor’s Note: According to this story, the perp’s shirt read “fuck the police” on the front and “black lives matter” on the back.]