Unseemly Mandela Family Feud Bursts into the Open at Sensitive Time
Ron Allen, NBC News, July 4, 2013
It is a family feud that is emotional, unseemly, public and probably could not be happening at a worse time.
On live television Thursday, Nelson Mandela’s oldest grandson accused fellow family members of trying to cash in on the anti-apartheid icon’s legacy.
“This is the very family that has taken their own father, their own grandfather, to court for his monies,” he said referring to a long-running battle by his aunt Makaziwe to remove the guardians of a Mandela charitable trust.
The news conference–during which Mandla Mandela also shocked many when he revealed that his son was the product of a liaison between his brother and his now ex-wife–followed a court order that he exhume the graves of three of the former president’s children, and return them to their original resting place.
The court said Mandla had to return the remains to a family plot that he had removed them from two years ago, without the rest of the family giving permission or apparently even being aware.
The dispute involved a burial site in the village of Mvezo, where Nelson Mandela was born, and where grandson Mandla, 38, is now the traditional chief, and a family graveyard in the village of Qunu, 17 miles away, where Mandela grew up, and where he has said he wants to be laid to rest.
Mandela’s grandson has been building what’s alternatively been described as a “heritage center,” or “tourist attraction,” that he allegedly hoped would include the grave of Nelson Mandela, when that time inevitably comes.
More than a dozen of Mandela’s children, grandchildren and relatives, including his wife, Graca Machel, had brought the matter to court.
Mandla said Thursday that he moved the bodies based on his right as chief to decide the final resting place of family members.
“I hold the right to determine where he is buried. I am the chief of Mvezo, as a traditional leader and the head of the royal house of Mandela,” he said.
Despite this assertion, last week, the rival faction led by aunt Makaziwe, won the order for the bodies to be returned to Qunu. {snip}
The graves in question were those of Makgatho Mandela, Nelson Mandela’s oldest son and Mandla’s father, who died in 2005 of an AIDS-related illness. The remains of Makaziwe Mandela, the elder statesman’s first daughter who died as an infant in 1948, and Mandela’s second son, Madiba Thembekile, killed in a car accident in 1969, were also in dispute.
Mandla maintained that his family has turned against him because he refused to support them in another legal dispute concerning control of one of Nelson Mandela’s trust funds. {snip}
Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu appealed to members of the Mandela family to display the grace “their patriarch and the nation deserves at this somber moment.”
“Please, please, please may we think not only of ourselves. It’s almost like spitting in Madiba’s face,” Archbishop Tutu said in a statement released Thursday.
“Your anguish, now, is the nation’s anguish–and the world’s. We want to embrace you, to support you, to shine our love for Madiba through you. Please may we not besmirch his name,” he added.