Posted on February 12, 2013

Neighbor: This Is Detroit and We Will Come Squat in Your House If You’re Not Home

Andrea Isom, My Fox Detroit, February 8, 2013

One night this week the lady of a house in Detroit came home to one helluva surprise.

There was a one heck of a party in her pad, but she never got the invite!

Three men had helped themselves to her gin and food.


And while they were fixing their feast they she says they were high as a kite.

The lady of the house screamed and they all ran out the house. Then she called the law.

According to the Detroit Police report the victim says her house was a hot mess.

A bunch of her stuff was stolen, including some very “sentimental” things.

Some of the men sitting at her dining room her table looked familiar.

She told detectives that two of them live right next door.
