Housing Opportunities Sign-Up
Westchester Gov, September 27, 2011
[Editor’s Note: President Obama has appointed radical integrationists to run HUD. They are requiring West Chester County in New York State to build subsidized housing and market it to non-whites. However, they cannot stop whites from applying, and since the new homeowners and renters will be chosen by lottery, they can’t stop whites from winning, either. You don’t even have to live in New York State to apply, so if you, or someone you know could use some government-subsidized housing, this could be an great opportunity.]
If you’re interested in housing opportunities and want to be notified of upcoming fair and affordable homes for sale or rent, read the following before signing up. You will need to complete and submit your contact and basic household information through the online fair and affordable housing interest form below.
A number of fair and affordable developments are now available or are under construction and will become available in the next few years. By signing up now through the online form, you will be notified of these upcoming opportunities as the homes become available.
Completing the online form
If you need assistance completing the online form, you may have a family member or another person you trust assist you. Otherwise, you may contact one of the HUD Certified Housing Counseling Agencies listed above to assist you. At this time only English-Spanish-language assistance is available at these agencies. Speakers of other languages are strongly encouraged to ask a family member or a trusted friend to assist them.