Student Admits to Writing Hate Graffiti at Birmingham’s Seaholm High School
Ron Savage, WJBK-TV (Detroit), May 17, 2011
The shocking graffiti was painted on a boy’s bathroom wall at Seaholm High School in Birmingham.
Five Seaholm students, all African-Americans, were listed by name and the message included “the N-word need to be lynched.”
A Birmingham police investigation along with Seaholm High has culminated with an 18-year-old male student admitting to bathroom graffiti. While charges of ethnic intimidation have been approved by the Oakland County prosecutor, the male student has not yet been arraigned.
Students are perplexed. The male making the admission is African-American.
“Some of the people we were talking to said that it was a little over the top and that it was just one kid who was . . . African-American. It was just not even racist whatsoever,” said Seaholm sophomore Felix McCarthy.
The messages of hate were also written on paper and were anonymously slipped into African-American teachers’ mail slots and African-American students’ lockers.
Students also told us they’re trying to learn and make the messages of hate a teachable moment.
“If you hear a kid says like a slur, stop them and be like, dude . . . don’t say that. We want more awareness in the school. They want more awareness in the school because the graffiti’s the extreme, but it starts at a basic level of just making jokes about racism or even towards gay people. It’s all just offensive and has to stop,” said Seaholm senior Jeff Butler.
Birmingham police and the Oakland County prosecutor told FOX 2 they expect to charge this 18-year-old student with ethnic intimidation on Wednesday.