New Black Panthers Plan Massive Egypt-Style Protest & Boycott of ‘Non-Blacks’
Jonathon M. Seidl, The Blaze, April 19, 2011
The New Black Panther Party, the racist and radical black power group, has a big day ahead of it this coming Saturday. According to its website, it’s planning a massive 60-city “showdown.” And the day of rage will include a protest of “non-black” businesses.
The group says it’s establishing a home base at an office building in Harlem, an area it’s modeling after revolutionary ground zero in Egypt.
The site goes on to explain why its rallying:
As in other revolutions, protests and uprisings going on around the earth, a showdown is looming for Saturday April 23rd as marchers with the “National International Day of Action and Unity” are furious and frustrated with New York officials blatant discrimination and denial of their constitutional and human right to rally and march. Marchers are marching and rallying in 60 cities around America and in London and Africa to demand justice for Black People and improvement in our conditions.
But “rally” might not be the best term for it. The group, rather, uses other words including “confrontation,” and says the protesters will use “whatever action is necessary to relieve oppressive conditions against Blacks in New York and around the planet.” And apparently the law doesn’t matter: it will hold the event “with or without a permit.”
Those groups “actions” apparently include protests against whites. As part of the massive march on Saturday, the NBPP has also called on blacks to boycotts white businesses for the entire weekend:
[The New Black Panther Party’s website calling for this “Day of Action” can be viewed here.]