Posted on August 20, 2010

Beck 8-28 Speaker Ted Nugent: “There’s a Lot of White People in This Crowd–I Like That!”

Eric Hananoki, Media Matters, August 20, 2010


The Telegraph Herald reported earlier this month that musician and conservative activist Ted Nugent appeared at a show in Dubuque, Iowa, and told the crowd, “There’s a lot of white people in this crowd–I like that! (Dubuque) is a white town.” The Telegraph Herald added that “Nugent also pointed out at least one audience member and questioned his race.” The Iowa-based newspaper also slammed Nugent’s remarks in an editorial, and noted that Nugent has a history of incendiary remarks.

According to Glenn Beck, Nugent is scheduled to appear at his 8-28 rally, which falls on the anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” speech. Beck has repeatedly talked about his rally in civil rights terms, and reclaiming the movement.
