America’s New N-Word Is Lightning Rod
WorldNetDaily, June 13, 2010
Releasing tomorrow, “Negrophilia: From Slave Block to Pedestal–America’s Racial Obsession” is published by WND Books. No stranger to brash actions, Rush, who’s black, sparked a national furor when he came forth to expose the anti-American ravings of President Obama’s longtime minister and then “spiritual adviser,” the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
“Whites succumb to Negrophilia when, believing that people of color are somehow more benevolent and less corruptible than themselves, they develop an undue affinity for them,” says Rush.
“Blacks suffer worse. They’re denied accountability for their own actions,” he continues. “They’re shackled with accepting the nobility–no matter how lacking–of all black ‘leaders.’ They’re ripe for the ‘rescue’ of predatory, opportunistic members of the black community–in concert with white politicians scheming for personal enrichment.”
“What Rush has here,” Farah [says Joseph Farah, founder and CEO of WND Books] continued, “is nothing less than the definitive book on racial politics in America.”
While acknowledging the power that the mere mention of race has to paralyze honest conversation, Rush still persists in making several bold proclamations, and puts forth thoroughly researched and footnoted insights that upend many “perceived racial realities.”
From the definition of poverty to the early days of the Civil Rights movement to its infusion throughout the culture, Rush puts forth:
* That black Americans did not heroically wrest equality from an unwilling white majority.
* That many of black Americans remain poor and ignorant because that’s the way many politicians and activists want them to remain.
* That few are saying anything even remotely resembling the truth when it comes to the politics of race in America.
* Why, if “whitey” had really wanted to “get” black Americans, they’d be “got.”
* That prior to 1970, blacks were among the most socially conservative groups in America.
* That the global financial crisis was brought on in large part due to well-organized activists, ostensibly acting on the behalf of black Americans.
* How the worldview promoted in America is just as racist as that held by many whites prior to the Civil Rights Movement.
* That in America, there are freedom fighters and there are those who would enslave all of us, regardless of race–and it’s time to choose a side.