Posted on November 16, 2009

Student Newspaper Runs Supremacist Ad

Jill Tucker, San Francisco Chronicle, November 14, 2009

The Lowell High School student newspaper published Friday included an advertisement for a white supremacist Web site, reportedly paid for by a group promoting a “campaign to inform, awaken and radicalize our White American youth.”

The site,, features “white resistance music” as well as T-shirts, stickers and links to similar sites.

The ad in The Lowell said “Free Music Downloads” and included the Web site address in a small box below an Arby’s ad inside the paper.


The contents of the online site caught school officials by surprise. They pulled all remaining copies of the paper and won’t be mailing out subscription copies, said district spokeswoman Gentle Blythe.


It appears as if the ad’s creators attempted to deceive school faculty and students. The Web link in the ad looked dramatically different Friday than it did prior to when the ad ran.

Internet records show that on Nov. 4 the Web site included an innocuous page offering music by independent artists, including an African American man, and links for music that went nowhere. There was no hint of white supremacist views.

That cached version was removed from Internet archives late Friday afternoon.

The newspaper’s two faculty advisers said they took the “deceptive and misleading” ad at face value and never checked the Web site, Blythe said.
