Posted on October 5, 2009

Woman Returns Black Baby

HBD Books, October 2, 2009

On the Today Show there was a white woman who adopted a black baby and then decided to give it back. Women are frivolous indeed.

Notice that they don’t mention race once. Surely that had nothing to do with it!

The baby was lying by the side of the road, not where children of good genetic stock are usually found. In addition, the child was probably deprived before finding his white family. He likely wasn’t up for much socializing. We know that infants are more comfortable looking at people of their own race, so this new “mother” of his might as well have been an alien.

Thankfully this foolish woman is going back to devoting herself to raising her real children.

[Editor’s Note: In the MSNBC video available here and here we see that Tedaldi is white and “baby D.” is black.]

The “Today” show on NBC did a shocking segment on Anita Tedaldi, “a woman who adopted a child and then gave him up 18 months later.” Tedaldi is a writer who originally told this story on The New York Times’ Motherlode blog.

She and her husband have five biological children and decided that they wanted more. After going through the approval process, she was able to adopt a baby who was found by the side of a road. Despite her pre-adoption belief that she would “be able to parent this little boy the same way I had done with my biological daughters,” she terminated the adoption after 18 months.

Because she couldn’t bond with him, she said.

Asked by Matt Lauer what this means, Tedaldi was somewhat vague and did manage to blame the baby. “It went both ways,” she said in the interview. “The child, D., wasn’t connecting with us.”


Not only did Tedaldi give back a baby she had decided to adopt, she actually says that the baby shares some of the responsibility for this lack of bonding. {snip}


In the original Times blog, Tedaldi wrote that she “wasn’t connecting with [the baby] on the visceral level I experienced with my biological daughters.”
