Lawsuit Filed Against Dearborn Schools and Muslim Principal Over Firing of Christian Wrestling Coach
Thomas More Law Center, July 27, 2009
The Thomas More Law Center, a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan announced today that a federal lawsuit has been filed against a Dearborn, Michigan high school, Fordson High School, and its Muslim principal, Imad Fadlallah, over the firing of Gerald Marszalek because of Marszalek’s connection to a Christian volunteer coach.
Marszalek, who had coached wrestling for 35 years, had achieved a legendary status in the wrestling community. {snip} Marszalek’s contract was not renewed because of his association with a Christian volunteer coach, Trey Hancock, who the principal accused of converting a Muslim student to Christianity during a summer camp not connected with the school or Coach Marszalek.
Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center commented, “We are getting a glimpse of what happens when Muslims who refuse to accept American values and principles gain political power in an American community. Failure to renew coach Marszalek’s contract had nothing to do with wrestling and everything to do with religion.”
The city of Dearborn is one of the most densely populated Muslim communities in the United States. An estimated 30,000 of its 98,000 residents are Muslims. It is estimated that 80% of the student population of Fordson High School is Arabic and most of those are Muslims. According to the lawsuit, Fadlallah has publically stated that he sees Fordson High School as a Muslim school.
Trouble started between Fadlallah and Marszalek when one of Coach Marszalek’s assistant coaches, Trey Hancock, held a summer wrestling camp in which a Muslim camper converted to Christianity. Principal Fadlallah was so upset by the conversion that he punched the student and informed him he had disgraced his family. Fadlallah also ordered Coach Marszalek to ban the assistant coach from the high school and all wrestling events. {snip} Unfortunately for Coach Marszalek, his teacher’s Union did not help him in his hour of need.