Illegals Solution Long Overdue
James H. Walsh, Newsmax, March 30, 2009
Barack Obama won the U.S. presidency because of a majority of the Hispanic vote in California, Colorado, Florida, Nevada, and New Mexico and large numbers of Hispanic votes in Illinois, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Texas, and Virginia. Nationally, he received 67 percent of the Hispanic voting population.
Though politically incorrect to mention, U.S. election officials have looked the other way, during the past decade, as a non-citizen voting element multiplied in the United States. Not all Hispanics voting in U.S. elections are U.S. citizens, and that is the sad truth. These illegal voters now expect quid-pro-quo returns from President Obama, including open borders, blanket amnesty, and amnesty-related healthcare.
Although surveys show that 75 percent of U.S. citizens are against amnesty, the Obama administration has no intention of allowing angry U.S. citizens to derail yet another prime piece of permissive immigration legislation, as was the fate of the 2007 McCain-Kennedy bill. President Obama, when addressing the nation’s immigration woes, suggests off-the-cuff amnesty for illegal aliens. On March 18, 2009, in California, the president re-affirmed his stance on “pathway to citizenship,” as if saying would make it so. Whether he believes that blanket amnesty legislation will come to pass is another matter, but meanwhile he plays to his base.
Where do illegal aliens fit in the 47 million men, women, and children in the United States alleged to have no health insurance? Of this 47 million, nearly 40 percent are described as U.S. citizens, who refuse, for various reasons, to be forced into any healthcare program. Another 20 percent are U.S. citizens seeking health insurance. The remaining 40 percent of the alleged uninsured are thought to be non-citizens, many in this country illegally.
The total number of illegal aliens currently in the United States, as estimated by liberal think tanks, is approximately 12 million to 20 million. A closer look at federal apprehensions of illegal aliens at U.S. borders (Mexican, Canadian, Atlantic, Pacific, and inland ports of entry at U.S. airports) suggests that the total number of illegal aliens in the United States may be closer to 38 million men, women, and children.
Any count of this ghost population remains a guesstimate; but illegal aliens do become visible through their documented consumption of public benefits such as healthcare.
As unemployment rates increase among U.S. citizens, resentment is growing toward illegal aliens who take not only jobs but health care benefits–at taxpayer expense. Illegal aliens present an interesting dilemma for the Obama administration and open border advocates. Indications are that most illegal aliens receive pay in cash, and thus healthcare contributions by employers are non-existent, feeding the employer’s bottom line.
When candidate McCain failed to deliver on his “pathway to citizenship” candidate Obama promised amnesty. Hispanic voters weighed the odds for blanket amnesty with all the rights of citizenship and marked their ballots for Obama.
Meanwhile the cost of illegal immigration to the U.S. taxpayer is estimated at $346 billion annually and rising. Education and related healthcare are among the escalating costs, with one-fourth of students (K-12) in the United States now Hispanic. In Arizona, California, Florida, Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas, more than half the students in grades 1-12 are Hispanic.
U.S. citizens are becoming alarmed by daily accounts of crimes committed by illegal aliens, who receive light sentences, a deportment waiver, and healthcare.
The Obama administration’s recent effort to place the Census Bureau within the White House was an ill-advised power grab and blatant attempt to legitimize (without legislation) the ghost population of illegal aliens residing in the United States. New York City, a sanctuary city, is lobbying for the 2010 census to include illegal aliens. New York City pays millions of dollars for social/welfare benefits, including healthcare, for illegal aliens and their extended families. The economic recession is impacting the generosity of New York and other sanctuary cities and states that previously felt compelled to encourage and protect illegal aliens. Because of its sanctuary spending, California now faces bankruptcy.