Posted on November 24, 2008

First Attacks on BNP Terror Targets

S. Sanders, Western Voices (Sacramento), November 21, 2008

The first physical terrorist attack stemming from a stolen, leaked British National Party membership list may have occurred. Late on the night of November 20, a car was firebombed near the home of a person whose name appeared on the list, which had been illegally uploaded to the internet days before. The vehicle does not belong to the named person, who is not even a BNP member, but Counter Terrorism Police are suspicious, since the man named as a member lives next door to the vehicle’s owner, on the same street in West Yorkshire, a British National Party stronghold. Other serious harassment, which appears to be organized, has been reported across all of the UK. Desperate measures like this have long been part of the toolkit of antiwhite forces, often in concert with government. “Diversity” and “tolerance” only apply to those they agree with.

The harassment began within hours after an old membership list, with over twelve thousand names and addresses, many of current members as well as people who never had anything to do with the BNP, was uploaded to the internet in violation of a number of UK laws. {snip} The leak came just days after the BNP’s David Owens scored what the media call a “shock win” at the ballot boxes for a seat on the Borough Council in Boston, Lincolnshire, and the day after the completion of the BNP’s highly successful national conference, the last before the important EU elections, and weeks before the BNP’s annual membership renewal drive. The list also went live the night before BNP activist Adam Walker faced his labor relations hearing into the legality of the political persecution he suffers in the teaching profession. The leak was also quickly followed with an attempt to have the BNP’s London Assembly member, Richard Barnbrook, “investigated,” and calls from various unions, long sold out and run by far left ideologues, to be allowed to ban BNP members from working, a position supported by various Islamists. {snip}

Anyone in possession of the list is in receipt of stolen property, which is why “official” groups linked to campaigns against the BNP have had to pretend to publicly distance themselves from the leak and condemn the release. But that has not stopped a clearly concerted harassment campaign from far left thugs linked to the ruling Labour Party: numerous coordinated crank calls, death threats and other “brave” anonymous acts, as well as internet threats of rape, murder and assault. Many of those threatened are elderly, disabled or children and teenagers. Far left activists in the UK have advocated violence against the children of BNP members in the past. {snip}

More worrying are reports that the list has been copied to Islamist sites and lists, and that copies may be handed out at Friday prayers at mosques. Mosques in the UK have long served as incubators for terrorism linked to al Qaeda and other groups, a fact BNP Chairman Nick Griffin was prosecuted for pointing out, but which even MI5, the UK’s “secret police,” now openly admit. {snip}

The BNP expect little help from the Labour government, whose Home Secretary, the vile Jacqui Smith, smirked, “I wonder why BNP members are ashamed of their details getting out in public.” Members, of course, are not “ashamed” at all. Many of them are worried because of the violence of the BNP’s sworn enemies, and the silent support they get from the Labour regime, as proved by Smith’s cynical statement.

Additionally, while new labor laws make it difficult to fire people for political opinions, the climate of hate the government, media and special interests have stoked against the BNP has fostered a climate of self righteous, holier than thou intolerance in many people who oppose the BNP out of ignorance and/or hate. {snip}


Gone are the days when unions backed their members against the bosses, except for one outstanding group, Solidarity, which has pledged to support anyone persecuted for BNP membership. A group of lawyers has also offered to do pro bono work for the BNP membership. In fact, as things have shaken out over the course of the days following the leak, many are calling it an “own goal” for the BNP’s enemies. Part of the British character has traditionally been to side with the victim of unfairness, and that seems to be coming into play here. Hundreds of posts on leftist and nationalist sites have appeared from liberals and leftists condemning the leak. Very few BNP members have resigned or decided not to renew, with an influx of new members and many of those who belong upgrading their membership commitments financially and with pledges of increased activism. {snip}


Meanwhile, the BNP have pledged to work with the police to bring to justice whoever did leak their old membership list. The clear intent was to disrupt and damage a force that is no longer containable, a plan that looks as if it has failed.