Posted on December 10, 2007

Learning from Diversity

Fred Reed, Fred on Everything, December 8, 2007

Again it happens. In Baltimore a young white woman boards a bus and wants to sit down. Each time she tries to take a seat she is told by nine black middle-schools students, ages 14 and 15, including three girls, that she can’t. Finally she sits anyway. The little—the middle-school students, I mean—attack her.

From the Examiner, “She sustained ‘serious injuries’ and had to be transported to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center, according to a police report. . . . [Sarah] Kreager suffered two broken bones in her left eye socket, police said. She had eye muscles that were damaged. . . . She had deep lacerations on the top of her head and another above her neck.” Her face will never be the same.

Life in the United States. Race relations as usual. Journalism as usual. I suppose you have been swamped, dear reader, by the national press coverage of this racial attack—right? The outrage? You’ve heard about it over and over on the lobotomy box? Editorialists everywhere just won’t let it rest? Sure.

Curious. Don Imus, apparently a radio jock of some sort, refers to a black women’s basketball team as “nappy-headed hos.” Rude, certainly, and unnecessary, but nothing more. It becomes national news and he loses his job. Blacks beat a white woman until her bones break and . . . near silence.


But when a group of very young blacks, unprovoked, attack a defenseless white women, with the intention of badly hurting her, break her bones, and then try to drag her off the bus, we see a different sort of crime. The only motive is racial hatred.

Crimes of this type are either increasingly common or increasingly visible because of the internet. They involve gang rapes of white women, forced humiliation as for example by being compelled to provide blow jobs in front of boyfriends, followed by murder. The press assiduously covers them up. The usual formulation is that “youths” were responsible or, very infrequently, “minority youths.” A photo of the victims may appear, but not of the perpetrators. Press coverage will be as local as possible. On the web I recently saw television coverage of one such crime in Florida in which the reporteress kept the camera below the waists of those involved to avoid racial identification.


I don’t think whites realize what is out there, how bad things are. If you live in Washington, DC, and work, say, on K Street or Connecticut Avenue, you see well-dressed and courteous blacks who are pretty much like everybody else. Much more resentment lies under the surface than you probably believe, but they certainly aren’t going to attack anyone. They are not a problem.

But go into the realms of the underclass, the great sprawling necrotic Sowetos of any big American city. Better yet, don’t go. You wouldn’t last ten minutes on foot at night. Few whites really know that these places exist, and they never see them. Cabs will refuse to take you. For some half-dozen years when I was on the police beat I did see the bad neighborhoods. God help us.

These ’hoods are utterly black, with whipcord young males leaning against lamp posts and eyeing cops with hostility. The people in them have no identity other than black. They aren’t African and aren’t American. They don’t read and many can’t. The schools are just holding cages. They’ve got nothing and they’re going nowhere and they know it. The great white beyond out there, with its computers and universities and those rich white people with their jobs and books and understanding of mysterious things like international politics—they have no access to these.

They hate whites. I don’t mean that they harbor class-mediated resentments deriving from incomplete socialization to the Euro-based norms of yada yada. I mean they hate whites. Or do you suppose that they beat a young woman into hospitalization from affection? To break bones in a woman’s face you have to kick her or hit her very hard, hard enough to cause brain damage with a little luck, hard enough to kill. The ganging up is a pattern.

There is nothing whites can do about it except live away from blacks and be very careful about taking public transportation. It is not a good thing to find yourself at eleven at night in an otherwise empty subway car with your teenage daughter and five young blacks.

Fear of blacks chiefly drives the furor over the right to own guns. Conservatives don’t want guns from fear that a Jewish dentist might crawl through the window at night. Liberals do not fear white duck-hunters or the white suburbanite with a pistol in his closet. It’s arm against them, or disarm them, though few will admit it..
