Premediated Merger: Mexican Official Urges North American Union
Michael Howe, World Net Daily, September 21, 2007
At a Denver conference on intercontinental trade corridors, a Mexican mayor called for a swift move toward a European Union-style merger of the U.S., Canada and Mexico.
Referring to Europe, Evaristo Lenin Perez of Ciudad Acuna—a sister city of Del Rio, Texas—told the Great Plains International Conference, “It’s a model we need to follow quickly.”
Perez later told WND, “If only people know the benefits of opening the borders and, improving the quality of life for all, then no one would be opposed to the idea of a North American Union.”
Asked why he chose the conference to promote the idea of a North American Union, Perez told WND, “It’s as good as any place and the right people are here.”
“This is not a new idea,” he said. “In fact when there are border meetings between border governors or border legislatures this is a topic that continually comes up.”
Perez also affirmed the Ports to Plains Corridor is basically a NAFTA Superhighway and needs to be developed as such.
“We need to begin by building the infrastructure in the three countries, investing in Mexico, and then we can sell the main idea that Mexicans should stay in Mexico. We just need to create an equal level for all,” Perez said.
“We are all North Americans,” he said. “Three countries, but we are all North Americans.”
Arnal later discussed with WND the relationship between Mexico and the U.S. and the issue of illegal immigration.
“The best and only way to stop illegal immigration is for the United States to invest in Mexico,” he said. “A fence will not work. It’s a simple equation of supply and demand—Mexicans go to the U.S. for work because the demand for their labor and wages is there.”
Arnal said although Mexico must share responsibility for the immigration issue, it is the U.S. that really needs to step up and begin investing more in Mexico to help bring the country to a level playing field.