Posted on October 24, 2006

Bias Written In Black And White: Study

Nicholas Hirshon, New York Daily News, Oct. 24, 2006

A lack of racially diverse newsrooms often leads to biased media coverage of major events such as Hurricane Katrina, according to a St. John’s University School of Law study.

Photos, captions and articles published in the wake of the deadly storm that ravaged New Orleans last year reinforced racial stereotypes, the study said.

Time and again, the media presented black survivors as looters, while avoiding the label for whites, according to the report, presented last week to FCC commissioners during a public hearing at Hunter College.


Among the photos that mentioned “looting,” African-Americans were shown 83% of the time. Meanwhile, whites were pictured in 66% of photos of people “guarding property.”

“I think a lot of people are just mad at the media because they feel it’s not fulfilling its civic function,” said St. John’s law Prof. Leonard Baynes, who edited the study.


The report notes numerous examples of biased news coverage during Hurricane Katrina, the first coming on Aug. 25, 2005, when water breached a levee and flooded 20% of New Orleans.

The wire service Agence France-Presse published a photo that day of a white couple carrying food and beverages through chest-deep water. A caption described their trek as occurring after “finding bread and soda from a local grocery store.”

When The Associated Press published a similar photo the next day of a black man with food and drinks, the caption described him as “looting a grocery store.”

The study acknowledges that the photos came from different agencies with different caption-writing standards, and that AP photographer David Martin said he saw the black man break into a grocery store and take food.
