Posted on June 2, 2006

Anti-Immigration Billboards Sprout in Denver

Susan Jones,, Jun 02, 2006

Groups opposed to illegal immigration unveiled two of three planned billboards in Denver, Colorado, this week.

“Welcome to Sanctuary City: Relax, You Made It!” one of the two billboards says.

By executive order of the mayor, Denver respects its “diversity,” protects the human rights of its residents and “welcomes all” (including foreign-born residents) to “share Denver’s warm hospitality.” Critics say the executive order allows illegals to live in the city with impunity.

The second billboard — addressed to President Bush, the Colorado governor and Denver mayor — says U.S. troops “did not die for illegal sanctuary.””

The messages were produced by Billboard Colorado, a group formed by Denver radio talk-show host Peter Boyles.

Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.) attended the unveiling of the “sanctuary” billboard on Thursday. “I guarantee you, the momentum is on our side and this billboard is a reflection of that,” he was quoted as saying.

Jim Gilchrist, founder of the Minuteman Project, was there as well. His group reportedly plans to raise money to put up similar billboards in Massachusetts, Arizona, and California.

Colorado anti-illegal-immigration activists are now collecting petition signatures for a ballot measure that would deny most non-emergency government services to illegal immigrants. Among other things, the amendment would bar illegals from getting in-state college tuition.