Min. Louis Farrakhan 2005 ‘Person of the Year’
Tracy Stokes, BET.com, Dec. 19, 2005
BET.com users have selected Minister Louis Farrakhan as the 2005 Person of the Year.
“An overwhelming percentage of our users agreed that Minister Farrakhan made the most positive impact on the Black community over the past year and chose him as the person most worthy to receive the honor of BET.com’s 2005 Person of the Year,” said Retha Hill, BET.com’s vice president for Content.
They agreed that he has done what no other African American leader has: “mobilize hundreds of thousands of Blacks around the issues of atonement and empowerment, and to convince the masses of our people that we must be the primary catalysts and engines for positive change in our communities,” she said.
“I am greatly honored and extremely humbled that the BET.com users have chosen me as the 2005 Person of the Year, especially since the nominees for such an honor are some of the greatest members of the Black community in the world; Ms. Oprah Winfrey, Senator Barack Obama, the father of BET Robert L. Johnson and the suffering victims of Hurricane Katrina of New Orleans,” Minister Farrakhan told BET.com.
“Honor is never deserved until after the work and mission is completed. The work of the liberation of our people, and the poor and oppressed around the globe is a long, difficult, protracted struggle.