New Year; Same Anti-White Tweeting
Gregory Hood, American Renaissance, January 6, 2020
Some progressives say whites don’t belong in America, because the “first Americans” were “Native Americans.” If that’s true, shouldn’t Europe belong to whites? We’re the indigenous people of Europe, after all.
Not according to the BBC.
The Sami are the only indigenous people in the EU and some of their languages are on the brink of extinction.
Sara Wesslin is one of only two journalists in the world broadcasting in Skolt Sami
— BBC World Service (@bbcworldservice) December 23, 2019
The BBC doesn’t approve of the Afrikaners’ efforts to preserve their culture and language.
Inside South Africa’s whites-only town of Orania
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) October 6, 2014
#ItsOkToBeWhite trended last week. Many protested.
Why is this hashtag trending? #ItsOkayToBeWhite Fellow mayonnaise people, y’all are not oppressed. Equality may seem like oppression to you because you have so much privilege but the reality is that it’s not. Now go and dry your white tears.
— Luke Waltham (@lukewaltham) December 31, 2019
The preferred term is “People of Light,” Mr. Waltham.
#ItsOkayToBeWhite is the single greatest hashtag example of addressing a problem that doesn’t exist. Plenty of today’s societal problems exist because being white has always been ok.
— Jess Phoenix 🌋 (@jessphoenix2018) December 31, 2019
#ItsOkayToBeWhite, but it’s not OK to be a racist, which you probably are if you feel the need to tweet it’s OK to be white.
— Machine Pun Kelly (@KellyScaletta) December 31, 2019
I’m afraid he needs education. Robin DiAngelo assures us all whites are racist, no matter what we do. If racism is not ok, neither is being white.
If the people tweeting #ItsOkayToBeWhite understood that #ItsOkayNotToBeWhite then maybe we wouldn’t be having this conversation in the first place!
— Kalen Allen (@TheKalenAllen) December 31, 2019
It is OK not to be white. Can we have a “conversation” now?
#ItsOkayToBeWhite but if you pride yourself on your whiteness then there is a VERY BIG problem.#ItsOkayToNotBeWhite and if any white folks say otherwise they can literally go fuck off into a hole & wilt.
— 🏳️🌈Flux 44: Dumbass Boogaloo♠️ (@TheFluxSystem) December 31, 2019
Being proud of homosexuality is fine, though.
Unbelievable. #ItsOkayToBeWhite
— Canoness Julie (Merry Sanguinalia) (@milky_candy) December 31, 2019
There’s a revealing exchange.
Nobody who says #ItsOkayToBeWhite actually believes it needs saying. Everybody knows it’s “okay” to be white.
It’s an insincere attempt to bait leftists into challenging the anti-white persecution implied by the phrase, which is nonexistent.
— Vaush (@VaushV) December 31, 2019
Don’t worry everyone, the problem is “nonexistent,” which is why you get fired, attacked or investigated if you say otherwise.
If you think racist white people will pull support from Trump because it’ll trigger a war their kids will have to fight, you’ve learned nothing from 2016 or how white supremacy functions.
Racists will sacrifice their first born if it means protecting their whiteness.
— Terrell J. Starr (@Russian_Starr) January 3, 2020
Sadly, there’s more evidence that whites will sacrifice their first born to avoid accusations of racism.
I HATE the narrative that our families come to the US for a better life
For many that “better life” is fake and forced b/c the US wrecked our chances of growing up peacefully in our homeland
For most it means living on land that isn’t ours
We should not be grateful for America
— Bảo (@numetaldreamgrl) January 3, 2020
Opinion: Jack Wilson is exactly the type of person you want around with a gun because he’s a firearms instructor. But we know nothing about the at least six other parishioners who also appeared to draw their handguns. And that’s terrifying.
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) January 1, 2020
Why do journalists think “we” need to know about the victims?
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