Posted on October 20, 2011

The Legend of “White Racism”

Jack Kerwick, BeliefNet, October 18, 2011

Human beings, regardless of time or place, share in common a perennial fascination with tales of enigmatic creatures, beings that, in spite of the numerous testimonials that have been offered on their behalf, remain questionable. Sasquatch; the Lochness Monster; and the Abominable Snowman, are just some of these who immediately come to mind. While some really believe in the existence of such entities, others are unsure, and still others just don’t care, there is a fourth class of people that never fails to crop up wherever tales of this sort prevail. This class is composed of those who may be either indifferent to or even incredulous regarding such legends, but who, nevertheless–through sales of souvenirs, the production of documentaries, or what have you–stoke the flames of belief in order to turn a profit.

I suggest that to this list of mythic beings we add White Racism.

Just a moment’s worth of sober reflection in no time reveals that there is more than sufficient warrant for treating White Racism of a piece with Bigfoot and the rest of similarly mythic beings.

Actually, there is a sense in which reports of Bigfoot sightings are more credible than similar reports of White Racism. Bigfoot sightings from across time, though they tend to differ in degree as far as relatively trivial specifics are concerned–e.g. height, weight, etc.–nonetheless neatly coincide. Reports of White Racism, on the other hand, diverge wildly from one another. White Racism is the ugliest of creatures; upon this all who claim to have spotted it agree. But beyond this, so varied are the accounts, it is impossible not to think that witnesses are talking about different things altogether.


The point is that if Bigfoot exists, we at least have some idea as to what we would see if we were to encounter him. White Racism, on the other hand, is a far different matter.

By some accounts, White Racism sounds as if it may even be something like a god, for it is said to exist independently of individual whites. When it is described as such, it is given the name “institutional racism.” White Racism is at once pervasive and just as destructive as it has ever been, according to this perspective. Indeed, it is much more destructive than it has been in the past. White Racism is embedded in the very “structures” that constitute American society. As such, it informs the worldview of the best intentioned, most magnanimous of whites.


There is another respect in which White Racism resembles other legendary figures like Nessie and Bigfoot. Just as there is no shortage of would-be profiteers ready to cash in on the latter, so an entire industry has emerged to capitalize on the notion of White Racism. The captains of this industry comprise a diverse lot, it is true: academics, media pundits, politicians, and racial (“civil rights”) activists receive the lion’s share of the spoils. But it would be a mistake to think that they are the only beneficiaries of the Racism Industrial Complex (RIC). It would be equally mistaken to suppose that the only benefits to be had are material in nature.

Legions of common folk, white, black, and other, gain also, but they gain much more in the way of psychic rewards than they could ever hope to gain monetarily. Against all of the evidence that White Racism hasn’t any more substance than a phantom, the members of the various races, whatever their biological differences, ultimately rail against this mother of all monsters for the same reason: doing so elevates their own self-conceptions.


Neither the committed “anti-White Racist” nor the merchant really believes in that of which he speaks.


Likewise, those who rally most ardently to defeat White Racism know, at least at some level, that there is no such thing. They must know this. Not only are they eons apart from reaching agreement as to what White Racism is; there is ample proof of the most virulent anti-white animus all around them and yet their silence is deafening. Worse, the purveyors of the White Racism myth typically seek to deny or even excuse the shocking levels of hatred and violence to which blacks and Hispanics have regularly subjected whites.

If White Racism was really the ubiquitous evil that it is claimed to be, then presumably it is because “racism” is an evil; that it is whites who allegedly promote the “racism” should be neither here nor there. That those who live and die by the ideology of White Racism, our “anti-White Racists,” those contractors of the Racism Industrial Complex, do not really believe in the windmills with which they do battle is effortlessly grasped once we consider that they care not a lick about combating real racial animus as long as the guilty are non-white and the innocent white.

No, White Racism is indeed the new Bigfoot.