Posted on August 31, 2009

Racist? She Prefers Dating White Guys

Carolyn Hax, Star Tribune (Minneapolis-St. Paul), August 30, 2009

Dear Carolyn: Some friends of mine had been talking up this guy they thought would be perfect for me, so I finally went on a blind date with him. It turns out he’s black, and while I am not racist and have no problem with interracial dating in general, it’s not for me. I just prefer to date white guys.

I told my friends why I wouldn’t be seeing him again, and they were, shockingly, horrified. Did I miss something here? I know interracial dating is more prevalent now than it used to be, but I didn’t realize it was so common that you get in trouble if you don’t want to do it. {snip}


Carolyn says: You’re right–no one should have to date anyone s/he doesn’t want to.

And your friends are right, too–they shouldn’t have to pretend they’re not horrified by something they find morally repugnant.

And you’re right, interracial dating is more prevalent now, but its prevalence here is the cart; the issue here is the horse.

More people date interracially because more people realize that the only alternative to being racist is to judge each person as a person.

Your decision not to date this man wasn’t about his character or lack thereof, it wasn’t about his sex appeal or lack thereof, {snip}


However: We’re having this conversation because you didn’t find his race attractive. That’s what racism is.