‘Dancing’ Georgia Doctor Is Suspended by Medical Board for Being a Threat to Public Health, Safety
Christopher Carbone, Fox News, June 10, 2018
A dermatologist who was seen on video dancing to a hip-hop song while performing a surgical procedure was suspended Thursday by the Georgia medical board, which reportedly said her continued practice “poses a threat to the public health, safety and welfare.”
Dr. Windell Davis-Boutte is a dermatologist and director of Boutte Contour Surgery & Skin in Lilburn, Ga., a suburb of Atlanta. Davis-Boutte’s website claims she has a “surgeon’s hands” and a “woman’s touch.”
Latoyah Rideau, the patient who appears in one video and who is now planning to sue for pain and suffering, told the Times that Davis-Boutte should’ve been paying more attention to her work and less to dancing.
Rideau will join nine other patients who have sued the doctor. They claim her practice left them disfigured, and, in one case, caused brain damage.
The Times reports that the Georgia Composite Medical Board said it “received reliable information” that a patient had been taken by ambulance to a hospital on May 31, one day after a liposuction, breast augmentation and a Brazilian butt-lift operation. The patient had a collapsed lung and suffered from anemia because of acute blood loss, the board said.
The patient remained in the hospital as of Wednesday. Davis-Boutte’s treatment “failed to conform to the minimal standards of acceptable and prevailing medical practice,” the board said, describing a “pattern of conduct” and citing unsatisfactory treatment for six other patients.
During an interview on HLN posted on Thursday, Davis-Boutte said, “I’ve done nothing wrong.” She later added, “I’m a surgeon, I’m supposed to be able to multitask.”
Susan Witt, a medical malpractice lawyer who is representing Rideau, said at least 100 people have come forward to complain about Davis-Boutte.
[Editor’s Note: The original story about Dr. Davis-Boute can be found here. The video referenced at the end of the story is still available here.]