Angry, Hateful, Violent, Extremist Liberals
Washington Times, April 28, 2010
Imagine a group of angry demonstrators toting swastika-festooned protest signs calling politicians Nazis, shouting obscenities and racial remarks and throwing rocks and bottles at police officers sent to keep order. No, these are not Tea Partiers. They are the mob that turned out last week to protest Arizona’s new immigration-enforcement law. This group of liberal rowdies has been dubbed the Tequila Party.
{snip} Typical headlines described the protest as “mostly peaceful,” with media outlets avoiding details about why they had to use the qualifier “mostly.” Reporting a near-riot by the opponents of the Arizona law doesn’t fit the dominant media storyline.
Some of the editorial bias is blatant. An Associated Press story about the Arizona immigration law quoted a 13-year-old Hispanic boy saying, “We can’t be in the streets anymore without the pigs thinking we’re illegal immigrants.” The Washington Post sanitized the boy’s views towards law enforcement by replacing the word “pigs” with “[police].” If a Tea Partier used a slur of any kind, it’s doubtful it would be given the square-bracket treatment. {snip}
{snip} There was no press coverage, however, when supporters of illegal immigration used physical intimidation tactics and made threats of violence against demonstrators on the National Mall the same day.
At a Tea Party rally in Searchlight, Nev., on March 27, supporters of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid threw eggs at buses carrying attendees and later harassed and threatened some of them. The limited-government advocates at FreedomWorks have begun publicizing the hateful e-mail and voice messages they have received, as well as documenting other examples of angry leftist violence, intimidation and extremism.
The most press coverage on this effort to expose hateful liberal extremism came when voice-over actor Lance Baxter stupidly left a voice mail asking for “the percentage of people that are mentally retarded who are working for FreedomWorks.” As a result, he lost a high-profile gig with Geico insurance. Mr. Baxter’s crime was his politically incorrect use of the word “retarded.” {snip}
{snip} The Tequila Party and gangsters like them represent the core and the pride of the liberal base. If an angry, shouting mob throwing bottles at police is the face of contemporary liberalism, it’s no wonder Americans are turning against them in droves.