Hillary Clinton Finds the South Too Southern
Mac Johnson, Human Events, Feb. 21, 2007
If it were just this one flag that bothered the professionally offended, it would be laughable. Does anyone really believe that the flag is a threat or that Hillary cares one bit about anything in the state of South Carolina, other than its primary? (And where was Hillary’s strong stand against Southern symbols when her husband was running for governor of Arkansas?) But the assault on the flag at the South Carolina state house is not merely laughable because it is part of a media-subsidized total war on all Southern symbols.
Children are expelled from schools for t-shirts or purses displaying “the flag.” The Southern banner has been taken off the state flag of Georgia through the weaseling of politicians, and the people of the state denied the right to vote on reinstating it (which tells where the majority opinion must lay). The Southern flag has been taken down from historical parks and cemeteries. The names of Southern heroes are being removed from streets and schools all over the South—all in the name of “diversity”—a category that includes all cultures save anything particularly American.
In short, Southerners have been told by their liberal overlords that they are an intrinsically offensive people and that the only way for them to avoid further offense is to commit cultural suicide—to forget their own past, condemn their own ancestors and tear down their own symbols and emblems. Hell, forget Tibet, if you want to see a small region culturally erased by left-wing nutcases avenging past schism, look no further than Alabama or Mississippi.
It’s probably just a matter of time before the war monuments are blasted off the side of Stone Mountain and Southern children face re-education at summer “contrition camps.”
Think I’m nuts? In her condemnation of the Confederate flag in South Carolina, Clinton claimed, “I think about how many South Carolinians have served in our military and who are serving today under our flag and I believe that we should have one flag that we all pay honor to, as I know that most people in South Carolina do every single day.” In other words, honoring the flag under which more South Carolina veterans died than any other is offensive to South Carolina veterans.
If that is her real concern, then I (as a displaced Southerner) will make a deal with her: why don’t we just let the veterans of South Carolina vote on whether to keep the flag flying in South Carolina and live with their decision? If a majority of Marines and Soldiers and Sailors and Airmen from Columbia and Catawba and Charleston vote to give up being Southern, I will shut up and accept their decision. Conversely, if they vote to proudly keep their region’s symbol intact, then Hillary and Biden and Dodd, and all the other carpetbagging whiners that appear like evil stinking corpse flowers every four years to broadcast their contrived stench upon the very loyal and patriotic people of the American South, will shut up and go home—if Hillary can ever decide where her home state is.
If there is something un-American in being Southern, which is what Clinton implied with her statement that display of Southern symbols is an affront to America’s veterans, then nothing is American—from George Washington on down to today, when a disproportionate number of the men that fight for our country in Iraq and Afghanistan are from places like South Carolina, where “the flag” is still displayed with purely American pride.
And for those that think that this debate over Southern symbols does not affect them, consider that the forces that would erase the emblems and heroes of Southern history in the name of tolerance are the exact same ones who would, for the same alleged tolerance, erase other American emblems and heroes as well, be they the Pledge of Allegiance, the dead white male Founding Fathers, Christian crosses, or even Old Glory herself.
The South is Southern. Get over it.