Archive | Islam in America | Page 13

CAIR Goes Back To School

August 24, 2007
Ohio Somalis attend tax-supported schools that focus on Arabic and "adversarial identiy."

Jihadis In New Jersey?

May 10, 2007
Muslims and immigrants, of course, must not be judged by the actions of a few.

Beating Freedom Of Speech

April 26, 2007
Those who believe that Sharia should be the law of the land should be not welcome in the West.

The Minneapolis Jihad

January 3, 2007
1500 Minneapolis Somalis demonstrate in favor of Sharia law back home, jihad elsewhere.

Farrakhan’s Candidate

September 19, 2006
Keith Ellison (Hakim) of is more radical than the Minnesota papers suggest.

A Muslim For The Hill?

September 12, 2006
American Muslim Alliance says lack of Muslims in office is "a fundamental crisis."