Posted on May 29, 2019

White Peoples and Their Achievements Are Headed for the Trash Bin of History

Paul Craig Roberts, Lew Rockwell, May 29, 2019


{snip} But no one is as demonized as white people, and the curious thing is that it is self-demonization — whites demonizing whites.

One can understand why former British and French colonies from Africa through the Middle East to India, and Washington’s former colony in the Philippines and its Latin American puppet states would look with disfavor on white faces and use harsh language. But why do the New York Times, CNN, NPR, and white professors throughout the university system, school boards, white politicians, such as France’s Macron and the European Community’s Jean-Claude Juncker and Germany’s Merkel and a wide assortment of British and Scandinavian politicians demonize white people? In Scandinavia a blond woman who reports her rape by the latest wave of third world “migrants” invited into the country by the crazed Scandinavian politicians is dismissed as a racist. Scandinavian people have told me that it is becoming difficult to report any crime by migrants as the report borders on being a hate crime.


Black studies avoids the fact that the British sea captains who brought African slaves to the British colonies that later became the United States purchased the black slaves from the black king of Dahomey, who captured his fellow blacks in slave wars against other black tribes. The United States has raised entire generations on the fake history that white people hated blacks and decided to capture them in Africa and make slaves of them in order to beat and abuse them.

So how does diversity and multiculturalism work to produce a livable society when education and entertainment teach that white people are racists?


Diversity has become such a value that the great universities have decided to destroy themselves in order to promote diversity. Oxford University, the most famous university in the world, has decided to lower its standards in order to promote diversity. Over the course of the next four years Oxford is going to reject 25% of the qualified applicants in order to make room for unqualified applicants who are “deprived” because of standards that cause “inequality.”


All over England, or as it is now called the UK, the universities are being destroyed, as in the US. Not only is there the example of Oxford, but the same is happening all over England and the US. The University of Nottingham has destroyed itself. For example, the university’s philosophy department was ranked, which meant that an advanced degree meant something about its graduates expertise in the subject.

But “diversity” intervened, and scholarship took the blow. The professors with a solid research recond were discarded and unqualified diversity was employed in their place. Consequently, the university lost its standing for its Ph.D. in philosophy.


Far from enjoying supremacy, white males are denied equality. They are discriminated against in university admissions and employment. Free speech is denied to them. According to military wives, white males are being denied promotions while the military achieves diversity balancing. Google fires white males for stating basic facts. White school boys are being browbeat and feminized. The charge of white supremacy is being used to herd white people to the back of the bus. While they sit there and suck their thumbs, white people are being propagandized out of existence.

Now that even MLK is a ‘sex criminal’, maybe US can stop toppling statues and ‘canceling’ people.