Posted on November 30, 2016

OSU Diversity Officer Urges Compassion for Somali Terrorist Who Attacked Students

Debra Heine, PJ Media, November 29, 2016

The Ohio State University assistant director of residence life allegedly expressed sympathy for Somali stabber Abdul Razak Ali Artan in a bizarre Facebook post Monday that has since gone viral.

Stephanie Clemons Thompson

Stephanie Clemons Thompson urged her followers to have compassion for Artan after he expressed a desire “to kill a billion infidels” and then tried to kill as many as he could at OSU. She also urged people to “think of the pain he must have been in,” and used the hashtags #BlackLivesMatter and #SayHisName (which BLM uses to denote victims of police brutality).


The Daily Caller attempted to contact Thompson, but she was unavailable for comment at press time.


In one of the other posts, Thompson shared a meme that said, “I can’t watch anymore videos of black men being shot for no reason.” Another one shows support for Sandra Bland with the same hashtags, #BlackLivesMatter and #SayHisName. She has since, apparently, deleted her entire Facebook account.

Stephanie Clemons Thompson was recently honored by OSU with an award for being an “Outstanding First Year Advocate,” however the university webpage touting her achievement has since been deleted.